Sunday, January 31, 2010

32 Weeks!

It official, the Ironman training started today. Well, the official training for it anyway. I had been keeping up some semblance of training over the winter but today was the first day in a long while I took a look at my plan and said here's what I have to do today.

I'm going to miss the off season just a little bit. I didn't accomplish quite all that I wanted but that's okay. I got some much needed rest and recuperation and that's huge. Here's what my January consisted of:

Bike:8h 09m 14s - 155.79 Mi
Run:5h 42m 32s - 31.88 Mi
Swim:15h 37m 30s - 46750 Yd

Not nearly enough biking, but I hit the swimming hard again and it's really paid off. My local tri group started training again and both coaches and others have commented on my speed gains. Nothing like a few good compliments to bring a smile to a guy's face. That month of run volume looks great in comparison to last month's measly 4 miles too. The hip continues to get better although I wish it would get better much faster. I want to run fast again!

Today was an effort at rectifying January's low bike mileage. I started the day off with a 2 hour session on the trainer which accounts for 25% of this months mileage. Yeah, I was slacking and I butt knows it too. Ouch!

So, 32 weeks till the big day. I have a feeling its going to go very, very fast.


  1. Congrats on a successful kickoff to your training. Looking forward to following your progress over the coming weeks and months.

  2. Like your Blog! my first Half Iron Man training started yesterday. maybe Iron man in 2011 so im watchin you close

  3. Wow, 32 weeks, I would need years to prepare. Good for you for committing to such a huge journey!
